Friday, April 10, 2015

phpMyAdmin work during twenty seventh week

During the week I attended both bug fixes as well as feature requests. To the latter part of the week I also attended some coding style improvements.

Among the bugs that were fixed, fixing output buffering was interesting. Since, I wasn't very familiar with the output buffering used in phpMyAdmin this was a good learning experience for me as well. Here, the issues was to use output buffering for CSS and JS. I modified the PMA_OutputBuffering class to accommodate output buffering for CSS, static and dynamic JS.

Here are the list of bugs fixed and investigated during the week.

Bugs fixed
#4829 Create procedure via SQL Editor not more possible
#4833 CSS and Javascript are not compressed
#4841 Status page: Mislukte pogingen per uur value is incorrect
#4848 Trigger sql with delimiters maxes out cpu resources
MIME Transformation link fixed

Bugs investigated
#4757 Error: Token mismatch
#4787 If mysql server default timezone is not set(by default), Phpmyadmin export wrong timestamp and timezone combination
#4847 Some query take very long time

The ability to export metadata was implemented as requested in  RFE #1632. These metadata are the data in configuration storage related to databases or tables being exported. With this one would be able to do a complete export and see the full state reinstated. Additionally the ability to copy multiple rows were implemented. 

The feature requests for the week were

Feature requests implemented
#1632 Importing and exporting pMA meta-data
#1643 No SQL query for loading data
#1646 Metro theme design update
#1650 Support a default page in designer
#1651 Allow copying mutiple rows
#1653 New data validation feature and datetime type

Feature requests investigated
#1645 MIME Transformation Imagelink and link - repairs and idea
#1648 Metro theme - table background style
#1654 After login session expires, restore navigation pane

Previously the designer loaded the first designer page for the database. Now it looks for page by the name of the database to load as default and falls back to old behavior in the absence of such a page.

Coding style improvements
No longer use global variables in schema export plugins

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